
Sunday, May 23, 2010

UPDATE! Sorry Guys! I have been sooo bad lately with youtube. :(

Hey Guys! 
Okay, so you guys probably want to know what is going on!
This weekend I was supposed to go to my friends trailer, but a bunch of stuff happened and i am not going anymore. :(
My room tour video was supposed to go up friday! but I kept falling asleep and so I just went to post it now and it wont go into Imovie! :(

My products weekly video will be filmed and up Tuesday. 
Something will be different about it this week though. I did not buy a product this week. I will be doing something else but stay tuned for that. :)
(I need money this week for Bailey's vet visit)

This week's upcoming videos are: 
-Products Weekly
-Hair Tutorial
-New Series Intro
-Room Tour
-Another Products Weekly
-Follow Me Around video?

One More Thing::

I am at 76 subscribers! :D
Only 24 More till my giveaway!
So if you like my videos, subscribe
if you already are, tell your friends ! :D

I will probably say this a million times, but thank you guys soo much for being there for me and following my channel. It means so much to me. I have so much going on right now and I know I can sign into youtube and smile! :)

Daily Bailey! :D


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